Support writers and people who want to write!

We rely on donors like you to help us enhance our public programming for the more than 4,000 community members who benefit from our services. Every year, we offer dozens of programs free of charge, we provide thousands of dollars in workshop scholarships, and we partner with other organizations to support our literary community in the Washington DC area and beyond.

Every dollar you give helps us support writers at all stages of their literary journeys. So give today, and help a writer find their voice.

We also accept donations via Check, PayPal, Venmo and by Credit Card over the phone.

  • Make Checks Payable to: The Writer’s Center, 4508 Walsh St, Bethesda MD 20815
  • Paypal:
  • Venmo: @writers-center
  • Phone: 301.654.8664

The Writer’s Center is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Your donation is tax deductible as allowed by law.